Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Update on orphan blocks

two weeks ago I started work to redo these orphan blocks.
this photo is of the work in progress. I have removed the green circles and leaves and added tiny hexagons with pink for the flowers and a gold/tan color for the leaves.
I think I will like how they look much better.
Still lots of unsewing to do and many many many tiny hexagons to make.
Stay tuned.
and let me know what you think.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Quilters Bell Necklace

Several years ago I purchased this special
quilters bell necklace. I wore it recently while visiting the grandsons and they enjoyed the little jingle the bell made.
Indeed it is a special piece of jewlery.
With the flash on the camera I wasn't able to get a very good photo but you can get the general idea how it looks.
I looked online and they are still for sale.
I don't think I paid the price that is listed now.
Quilters Bell Necklace
the shop is Painted Pony'n Quilts in Texas.
You can see a better photo at the website.
One side is a star block and the other side the heart and hand block.


Correction for the posting below.
The magazine I saw the Africa Bags was Family Circle.


I recently saw these African Shoulder Bags in Woman's Day magazine.
I went online to the website
and place an order for two bags.
They are reversible and made of african fabric and a neat bag to have for your use or a gift.
Here is a photo of one of the bags.
and a label to give you info about the organization.
Instead of paying by credit card I sent them a check as it those in Malawi Africa get more money that way.
Check it out when you have time.
One of the bags is for me and I am sending
one to my daughter Emily who was in Africa one summer.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Here is Brandy playing hide..with the kitchen towel and Michael's quilt.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I was looking in the orphan block bin this week and came across these blocks. STAY tuned for a change in layout and with some work a completed quilt top using the 35 blocks. FIRST some unsewing to be done.
I always smile at the name orphan blocks. There seems to be hope for them to be completed VS those blocks that are in the WIP bin.
The pattern idea is from a magazine from Nov/Dec. 1997. So this orphan is probably from 1998.


Several friends in the Feather Princesses applique group had one of these new work lights at the meeting this week.
I went to Walmart to buy one.
SEEMS to work really good.
The light comes in several bright colors but I selected grey. It has a clip that can be used. It works great on my applique board. It was only $10. I bought two. One for both homes.
It took a while to locate it in the store but it was on a side aisle near where they have table an chairs.
I found it at a super walmart.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I have recently subscribed to Southern
Living magazine. I saw a recipe for Tomato

Pie that looked interesting.
I made some major changes in the
recipe and made it for our dinner.
It was really good. I used some delicious
red and also some Green Tomatos,
summer squash and zuccini.
I meant to take a photo when it came
out of the oven but this half a pie
photo is all I got.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Brandy Feature of the week

Brandy is the feature on the blog this week.
She loves wearing her dad's glasses.
also loves playing run around the pillow on our bed. also you can see her trying out the new quilt for her use on the bottom of the bed at hunter knob and beside her dad as co=pilot riding in the car with her paws crossed.
She is indeed a special pup.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


If you are following my blog you will
remember several months ago seeing
my pineapple plant with a little pineapple
on it.
WELL, today I decided it was time
to HARVEST our pineapple.
WOW it was small but it is delicious.
We will plant the to in hopes of
having another pineapple grow.
The stalk that this one came from has
another side plant so maybe it will
produce again next year.
I don't know much about pineapples.
But am pretty happy about this one maturing
and tasting so good.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

QUilt top completed

You may remember seeing my grandson playing with the sports fabrics for the quilt I am making for him. I finally got it put together and will take it soon to be machine quilted.
I kept the pieces very large so he can enjoy the pictures on the fabrics.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

For the Boutique

The Feather Princesses Applique group is having a boutique in November. Here are four little gift card bags I made from a kit.
They don't look like much but they took a lot of time to make.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sharing a couple of things

Here is an awesome shirt I bought while in the mountains. It's one a quilter would love with all the patches of fabric.
Today Michael went to Beasley Farms in Brooksville and purchased some wonderful veggies. They just called for me to photography them.