Thursday, April 23, 2009


About two years ago I planted a pineapple plant
and earlier this month I noticed we have a pineapple

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Entering the circle (Mandalas)

I recently saw an article about Mandalas and this book was listed. Ipurchaesed two of the coloring books at Amazon and used a coupon at Joann's for some high quality colored pencils. Here are the first two mandalas that I colored.
It is very relaxing and I think will be a good learning experience in color for me as a quilter. Maybe at some point I'll make a Mandala to hang on the wall.

Info from the book.
The word Mandala from Sanskrit translates as sacred circle, It Tibetan the term for mandala means center and circumference. In the Eastern tradition mandalas also suggest a complete cycle, such as the rituals that comprise a liturigical year.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Our neighbor Bonnie sent these photos of our
tulips blooming at Hunter Knob.
I hope they are still blooming when
we arrive on Friday.


Sunday we attended the Kruger Brothers concert at thee Society of the Four Arts in Palm Beach.
Weren't able to take photos of the group but here are some at the facility.
We enjoyed the Kruger Brothers a LOT.
Michael was even singing along.
They are not a traditional bluegrass group.
They are very unique and very talented.
We have heard their CD's for several years and it was great to see them perform.
We will definitely plan to see them again.

Dinner after the concert

After the Bluegrass in the Pavilion concert we had a lovely fish dinner by the water.

Bluegrass in the Pavilion

April 18th we attended Bluegrass in the Pavilion at the Flagler Museum in Palm Beach, Florida.
I didn't realize it was the actual HOUSE that the Flagler Family had lived in.
The concert was held in the glassed Pavillion.
Here are some photos from the day.
There were two groups performing.
Dailey and Vincent and also Grasstowne.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Michael built this awesome bench for the antique desk in my quilt room at the cabin.
It's going to be awesome.
Several posts back there is a photo of the antique desk.


Our neighbor emailed some photos of
the dusting of snow on our mountain
in March. There was about 1/4 of an inch of snow.